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AFO's Artist In Residence Program provides extraordinary solo artists with support and resources in the process of developing a new solo play. In support of that purpose, AFO provides the AIR with rehearsal space over a period of up to 18 months, and stipends to be used for the services of a director, dramaturg, and/or designers to support the development of their work. AFO provides artistic and administrative support to the creative process, and ensures that the AIR has the freedom and resources to construct their work.


Through this program, the AIR develops an original new work for presentation in the All For One Production Season, whether as a workshop presentation or as a contracted Off Broadway production to be determined by AFO.



Lizzie's play Monsoon Season will receive a full production in AFO's 2019 season.
For more information about the piece, visit the show's page here.
Lizzie Vieh is from Phoenix, Arizona. Her full-length plays include Monsoon Season, The Loneliest Number, Backwater Rising, Barrier Islands, and Wisconsin Death Trip. Her play Backwater Rising received Honorable Mention for the 2018 Relentless Award. The one-act version of Monsoon Season was a winner in the 2016 Samuel French OOB Festival. Her full-length play The Loneliest Number was part of Amios’ 2016 First Draughts series, and received a full production in 2018 directed by Maria Dizzia. The Loneliest Number was nominated for a 2018 NYIT Award for Best Full-Length Script. She was a member of the Amoralists’ ‘Wright Club for 2016-2017. She is currently the 2018 Artist In Residence with All For One Theater. MFA: Brown/Trinity. BA: Brown University.

Lizzie on the solo narrative:
"In Monsoon Season, Danny is always talking to someone, they're just not represented on stage. The writing is one-sided dialogue rather than the more traditional solo show mode of monologue. Though I have never written a one-person show before Monsoon Season, I don't think it's radically different than my other plays. Characters talk to each other--it's just that in Monsoon Season, we only hear Danny's side. I think this "missing" quality of other characters theatricalizes Danny's isolation and disconnectedness. Writing a one-person show is challenging in that one performer has to carry the entire narrative of the show, without getting too heavy-handed or obvious about what's happening. The reward lies in how deeply you can delve into a single character."

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